Friday, December 3, 2010

Images of France

- The French smoke like it was a cure for cancer.
- A 1/4 Pounder with cheese is indeed called a "Royale" but even that didn't entice me to buy one.
- The reports of "dog shit everywhere" were under-stated
- If a waiter thinks you are American he will treat you like shit, but once he realizes you are Canadian the service level elevates several notches to bad.
- A little knowledge of French combined with charades will suffice to get by but expect the French to make fun of your mistakes.
- There are no fat French people.
- Old buildings here were influenced by the Romans and Greeks, new ones by Tim Burton and LEGO.
- The TGV will get you places PDQ and they rarely check your ticket.
- Bread is out of this world.
- Wine is cheap and good.
- Meals take at least an hour and a half.
- Stop signs say "STOP" and not "ARRET" like the pretentious Quebecois.
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