Friday, January 7, 2011


Did the Sound of Music thing in Salzberg. here is a shot of Debby on the balcony of a converted stable which doubled as the van Trapp mansion in the movie. Here is a closer shot of Debby's new hat; more correctly, her only hat, which she finally bought after 25 years of looking.
Got to use my "dirty line from The Sound of Music" story much to Debby chagrin. Those of you who haven't heard it should rent the movie and go to the scene where Julie Anrews returns to the convent and has a discussion with the Mother Superior about her unhappiness. Listen carefully. The accents make it a wonderful moment. I am not permitted to reproduce it here as My Love will want to see my postings tomorrow.
We visited the Swarovski Crystal factory store today and bought a few trinkets then continued on to Innsbruck. Switzerland tomorrow - on the home stretch.
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