Friday, January 7, 2011

Let's Pick on Someone Else

I am getting tired of making fun of the Yanks and Aussies so let me introduce you to two other members of the group.
First there is Emily from Malaysia. Emily, or Emery, as she would say, is late for everything and has made the whole bus late by missing meeting times. This is caused by her obsession with taking photos and videos. She is constantly taking videos from the bus as we pass everything from the Alps to a shit wagon. Off the bus I have seen her photograph post cards, a display of napkins, cigarette and candy displays and she has even taken shots in the bathrooms. My favourite was at the Colleseum in Rome when another bus tour lined up for a group shot, there was Emily taking a photo of them.
She has the habit of thrusting a camera into your hand and yelling, " Kweek, tek peecha me, free, fo time." She doesn't even say " preeze."

The second person is Chris from South Africa. As you can see from the photo, he dresses for the cold. What makes this shot really strange is that it was +10 the day I took it. Chris speaks Afrikaans and his English is spotty, especially in the comprehension department. I said to him:
"Are you cold, Chris?"
" Culd, yes culd, not wom, not wom, culd, culd,culd. Do you have chuklate in Amerika?"
" I am from Canada?"
" Yes, yes, yes, Canada yes. Hockey. Culd, culd. Ha Ha Ha. Santa Klaws is comink to town."
" Christmas was two weeks ago, Chris."
" Yes, yes. Two veeks. Here too. Culd, culd. Brikfist seven, bags out afta."
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