Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Closing Comments

It has been seven weeks since I left home. I have travelled over 12,000 KM, not including the flight over, and have visited 14 countries. I was away from home at Christmas for the first time in my life and was alone for nearly three weeks.


Favourite City - Vienna - beautiful buildings, great food,music and history. Best Christmas decorations.

Favourite Site - Cathedral de la Sagra Familia, Barcelona. Absolutely magnificent. New wonder of the world.

Least Favourite City - Arles, France. Dirty shithole not worth visiting.

Weirdest Name for Something - In Germany they call a cel phone a "handy." I guess it is better than the suggested name, " textinappinsurfintweetinmusicincameraspunkinfone."

Favourite Museum - National Portrait Gallery, London

Most Inspiring Moment - being alone at Vimy Ridge

Most Satisfyting Moment - getting to Hadrian's Wall following a snowstorm.

Most Awe Inspiring Moment - Midnight Mass at the Vatican on Christmas Eve

Funniest Moment - walking through the streets of Carlisle,England at 5am with a broken suitcase wheel going "clak-clak-clak" on the cobbles and thinking that if Debby was with me she would make me carry it so I wouldn't wake anyone.

Scariest Moment - arriving in Cherbourg, France during a raging snowstorm and having to walk 3km to the ferry terminal

Saddest moment - sitting with our new Aussie friends as they received news that their homes were flooded

Best Event Attended - toss-up - Handel's Messiah in Dublin and War Horse in London

Worst Event Attended - Paris Cabaret - two hours of my life that I will never get back

Biggest Disappointment - getting to Pisa in the dark.


1 comment:

  1. David I enjoyed reading your blog. It had the right level of information and humour. Lovely pictures and a memory forever.
